Pinking the Rink 2023
Luxembourg Tornados, the reigning champions of the Luxembourg Ice Hockey League have for a number of years now dedicated one of their October home games to Pink October, encouraging their loyal fan base to put on their warmest pink clothes and grab their pink tutus (everyone has one at the back of their wardrobe, right?)
Their goal has been to show their support and solidarity with the families and friends living with cancer in Luxembourg by helping keeping the conversation going in difficult moments,, raising awareness and supporting ThinkPinkLux.
This year for the first time, they set themselves a fund raising target of EUR 1,000 to support ThinkPinkLux’s funding for fundamental research being conducted here at the Luxembourg Institute of Health to prevent the spread of cancer, and to help run the various activities of the TPL Support Group.

At the time of writing, Tornados have almost achieved their goal, having raised an incredible EUR 984 towards their ambitious target.